Indicitave Return


The return to a panel investor in the SolarCloud scheme is from a pool of solar panels owned by multiple investors, which are likely to be located on multiple sites.

The return available from each site is affected by weather, climate, orientation, power sale price achieved and the other risks described in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), a copy of which is available here.

The rate of return to an investor is not set to any one site – it is intended that the returns from each site will be pooled to minimise an investor’s exposure to any one site. Also, the rate of return will differ from year to year, particularly as the output of panels degrades slightly from year to year.

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculated on our web site pages is based on a 25 year term, 29.76 kW system purchased at $1.82 per Watt, with system output of 134 kWh per day (based on Helioscope yield calculations for Jinko 320 watt panels with a Fronios inverter in Mudgee NSW, oriented north with 15 degrees tilt), 100% of the system output sold at a base price 11.2c/kWh with price escalation of 2% per annum, 95% availability of system, panel degradation of 0.6% per annum, and with management, operation and maintenance costs of 20% gross revenue.

The actual characteristics, costs and returns of each site will differ from this, but SolarCloud believes this is a reasonable indicative forecast of the potential returns from the pool based on currently available information.

This IRR is indicative only, and not a guaranteed or minimum return.